Tuesday 9 February 2016

The Work of Christ in the Redemption of Mankind. Atonement in the Old Testament.

Notes from Myer Pearlman, Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible pp185 ->


The Word, “sacrifice” is the key to understanding the work of Christ and His Death on the Cross.
Any attempt to explain the death of Christ without His atoning death is un-Biblical. Jesus, as “the Lamb of God”, who takes away the sins of the world.; that He purchased our Redemption; is to acknowledge that JESUS DEATH WAS A REAL SACRIFICE FOR SIN.

Thus a knowledge of the Old testament Sacrifices helps us in the interpretation of the death of Christ. These OT Sacrifices were more than just Judaistic rituals but were prophetic signs and “types” pointing to the Perfect Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. The first people to hear the Gospel message understood these ‘Prophetic’ pictures to their countrymen, these terms used were already very familiar.

In our Day there is a real need to learn the Prophetic Understanding of the words like redemption, justification, sanctification and atonement. We were not brought up in a Jewish context so we must grasp the meaning of these most important Biblical concepts.
  1. The Origin of Sacrifice. 1(a) Ordained in heaven.

The Fall of man into depravity and rebellion was no surprise to God. God made provision for sin and reconciliation from before the foundation of the world. Rev 13:8  And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
1Pe 1:19  but with the precious blood of Christ--as of an unblemished and spotless lamb.
1Pe 1:20  He was predestined indeed to this work, even before the creation of the world, but has been plainly manifested in these last days for the sake of you who, through Him,
1Pe 1:21  are faithful to God, who raised Him from among the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are resting upon God. Cf Titus 1:2 Eph 1:4; acts 2:23

Christianity is not some Johnny-come-lately religion begun just 2000 odd years ago but is the historical manifestation of an eternal purpose.

    (b) Instituted on Earth.

Because the consummation of the sacrifice in Christ was to happen hundreds of years after the fall into sin; from the very beginning God ordained the institution which would foreshadow the sacrifice and also become a means of grace for the repentant and believing . Animal sacrifice was that one ancient human institution.

The first mention of a slain animal is found in Genesis ch. 3.
After their sin and rebellion against the clear and explicit Law of God, Adam and Eve tried to hide their shame with fig leaves for their nakedness.
Then we read that the LORD God took animals and killed them. Took their skins and covered them. Here we have a picture of God making provision for man’s redemption. We see an innocent creature dying so that sinful man might be covered; that is the primary purpose of sacrifice….. a Divinely provided covering for a guilty conscience.

Jesus is our Spotless Lamb slain to loose the guilty from their sins.
Rev 5:6  Then, midway between the throne and the four living creatures, I saw a Lamb standing among the Elders. He looked as if He had been offered in sacrifice, and He had seven horns and seven eyes. The last-named are the seven Spirits of God, and have been sent far and wide into all the earth.
Rev 5:7  So He comes, and now He has taken the book out of the right hand of Him who is seated on the throne.
Rev 5:8  And when He had taken the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four Elders fell down before the Lamb, having each of them a harp and bringing golden bowls full of incense, which represent the prayers of God's people.
Rev 5:9  And now they sing a new song. "It is fitting," they say, "that Thou shouldst be the One to take the book And break its seals; Because Thou hast been offered in sacrifice, And hast purchased for God with Thine own blood Some out of every tribe and language and people and nation,
Rev 5:10  And hast formed them into a Kingdom to be priests to our God, And they reign over the earth."
To be continued.......

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