Tuesday 22 March 2016

Salvation: Applied in Sanctification according to Romans 6: 1-11  Our Death with Christ. Cont.
Notes from Esword and Romans Verse by Verse by William R. Newell.
Rom 6:3  And do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?
Rom 6:4  Well, then, we by our baptism were buried with Him in death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from among the dead by the Father's glorious power, we also should live an entirely new life. (a brand new life).

We died with Christ: our baptism being the witness and now we are to reckon or count Ourselves as Dead to Sin and Alive to God in Christ Jesus. Vv 1-11

Verse 3 Our Baptism witnesses that we were baptized into His death.
That initial step in Confession of Christ set forth in Baptism their identification with Christ as crucified dead and buried and raised to new life.
Each believer sees the picture in Baptism by Immersion of our death with Him and Burial and Resurrection with Him. In Verse 2 it said, “Such Onyou who are es as we are…” All true believers, who died.
Symbolically Baptism is a picture of our federal death burial and resurrection as the reason for our deliverance from the Punishment and power of sin in our lives.
Have you willing stepped out in the face of all the opposition and criticism and definitely and forever declared your Faith in the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ as your only CONFESSION.
The fact of your baptism declares that you who are Christ’s have died with Him. Baptism signifies not cleansing but DEATH.
1Pe 3:20  who in ancient times had been disobedient, while God's longsuffering was patiently waiting in the days of Noah during the building of the Ark, in which a few persons--eight in number--were brought safely through the water.
1Pe 3:21  And, corresponding to that figure, the water of baptism now saves you--not the washing off of material defilement, but the craving of a good conscience after God--through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
1Pe 3:22  who is at God's right hand, having gone into Heaven, angels and authorities and powers having been made subject to Him.

Eight souls were saved in Noahs Day in the Ark - a TYPE of CHRIST. For those eight were, in the Ark, brought safely through the waters of judgment which drowned the world; as were are brought, through by Christ, safely through the judgment of sin at the Cross: now we have a good conscience towards God. This is what Baptism sets forth.

Scripture here connects Baptism with death, not cleansing, with burial not with exaltation; with an ending of our former connection that we may enter a new one with christ. It is the Blood of Christ which cleanses from all sin.

  • That it was unto Christ that believers were baptized. (eis) Grk. This is not the Holy Spirit Baptism of 1 Cor 12:13
  • Baptism is an outward confession of an inner experience. That our old man was crucified with Christ is one thing and our Baptism is another. If we had not died with Christ then baptism would have no meaning.
Rom 6:4  Well, then, we by our baptism were buried with Him in death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from among the dead by the Father's glorious power, we also should live an entirely new life. (a brand new life).
The Entombment of Christ by Carl Bloch

All believers proclaim by their very Baptism as having  been identified with Christ’s death that they were buried; that their past has ended.
“Burial is the act that consummates the breaking of the last tie between man and his earthly life. By Baptism the believer publically consummates the breaking of the old life with this present evil world, and with his own natural life. Now we are no longer contralled by the World, the flesh and the Devil. They have no power over us any longer. Hallelujah
Women in the Bible.

  • just as Christ was raised from among the dead by the Father's glorious power:From this we learn, that as it required the glory of the Father, that is, his glorious energy, to raise up from the grave the dead body of Christ, so it requires the same glorious energy to quicken the dead soul of a sinner, and enable him to walk in newness of life. A. Clark
Because Christ is raised from the dead were are to walk about in newness of life : a brand new kind of life. This is the amazing new resurrection life which Jesus gives to us. We are one with the Risen Glorified LORD. We have been joined to Him. Our new bodies will shortly be conformed to His Glorious Body. 1 Cor 6:17

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