Wednesday 23 March 2016

Salvation: Applied in Sanctification according to Romans 6: 5 Our Death with Christ. Cont.

Memorize: Rom 6:5  For since we have become one with Him by sharing in His death, we shall also be one with Him by sharing in His resurrection.

Questions:  1.What does it mean to become one with Him in His death?
2. How do we share in His Resurrection?

Think about these questions for they are vital to your understanding of this verse.


In verse 3 We looked at our baptism as a Public confession of our death, burial and resurrection with Christ. Christ was made sin for us so really we died unto sin in Christ. Sin no longer has the power over the believer in Christ. Baptism is the outward SYMBOL of an inner spiritual experience with Christ. Now we are his true disciples joined to Him in death and shown in picture in our Baptism. If we have not died with Christ by faith, all the water of baptism will never make this happen in reality.
This is not talking about covenantal washings by sprinkling. Baptism is the Symbol of Death Burial and resurrection to a BRAND NEW WAY OF LIVING.

Rom 6:5  For since we have become one with Him by sharing in His death, we shall also be one with Him by sharing in His resurrection.
Christ died for us, we died with Him.

For since we have become one with Him by sharing in His death
BECOME ONE G4854 σύμφυτος sumphutos Thayer Definition:
1) born together with, of joint origin
1a) connate, congenital, innate, implanted by birth or nature
2) grown together, united with
According to W. Newell the word means to grow together, as a graft in a tree , so the graft shares the tree’s life. So the V.5 means “If I became actually united with Him, which in baptism we profess the Likeness of His death,” so we also shall also be united in the likeness of His resurrection.
Conybeare “If we have shared the reality of His death, whereof we have undergone the likeness in our baptism…...
we shall also be one with Him by sharing in His resurrection.
Now Paul is speaking of the “newness of Life”: because we are joined, become one, united with Him in life with the Risen Glorified Lord.  Hourly daily we walk in a wonderful brand new Life where we are saved by “His Life”. Paul said, “For, to me to live is Christ”. “Our outward man is being renewed day by day”; I was crucified with Christ, Nevertheless… Christ lives in me.”

We may look also on that day when we shall be changed and the mortal shall put on immortality. These bodies shall experience Resurrection Life.
Christ has borne our sins in His own Body on the Tree. Then we bear them no more.

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