Tuesday 22 March 2016

Salvation: Applied in Sanctification according to Romans 6: 1-11  Our Death with Christ.
Notes from Esword and Romans Verse by Verse by William R. Newell.
We died with Christ: our baptism being the witness and now we are to reckon or count Ourselves as Dead to Sin and Alive to God in Christ Jesus. Vv 1-11
Notes from Newell Page 200
We now come to the Second Part of Christ’s Death and His work for us. - Our Identification with Him in His Death. Now we come the question of walking a holy life in the Grace of God. Q.1. Shall we keep on sinning that Grace MAY KEEP ABOUNDING TOWARDS US ?  Q.2. Because now that we are no longer under the principle of law by under Grace shall we use our liberty to keep sinning? Or shall we use our freedom from the law-principle to our own selfish ends?

Notes these five parts of Salvation. W. Newell

  1. Christ’s Propitiatory work ( hilastērion) Thayer Definition: 1) relating to an appeasing or expiating, having placating or expiating force, expiatory; a means of appeasing or expiating, a propitiation) This work was towards God, appeasing His wrath and expiating our sin, through His precious blood: He bore our guilt and the condemnation of our sin.
  2. Christ’s identification with us as connected to Adam “becoming sin for us,” and releasing us from Adam, our federal head, : Our old man (Adamic sinful nature) has been crucified with Christ.
  3. The Holy Spirit’s work in us as the “Spirit of Grace”, involves His conviction of sin, Regeneration, His Baptizing us into the Body of Christ, (His Baptizing is in the Holy Spirit with power Acts 1:8)His being in us as the “Law of Life” against indwelling sin, the witness of our Sonship, our helper, INtercessor, and finally the Mighty Aganet of our Rapture from this world.
  4. Christ's present work in Heaven: Leading our worship and praise as our Great High Priest in Glory: and protecting us should we sin as our Advocate with the Father, against our Accuser.
  5. Christ’s Second Coming to redeeem our bodies, and receive us to Himself in Glory: The Rapture of the redeemed.

Q.1. Are we to remain in sin that Grace may keep on overflowing to us?

The message of simple grace is too simplistic for many even some untaught believers. This message seems inconsistent and impossible sure there are some laws that we must keep in order to be accepted with God. “If sin abounds then grace overflows” then they say, “then the more sin, the more grace”. God is loving and merciful and He will forgive us. So called Christians think they can continue in sin and still be accepted. GOD FORBID!!!!!!
Romans 6:2  No, indeed; how shall we who have died to sin, live in it any longer?
  1. how shall we: We who are “in a special class of people”; all Christians, “such ones as we…”
  2. He characterizes all Christians as “those who died to sin.” “Died” is an aorist tense something in the past that happen and was completed. It is a past act and fact.Newell. My question to you is this: Have you died as a Fact something that has taken place.Yes you have if you are a true believer. All Christians shared in Christ’s death, they Died to sin in Christ.
  3. Paul here affirms that it was in regard to their relationship to sin that believers died. They died not for us - but to sin. Only Christ died for sin as our substitute.
  4. Paul's Question: “How shall those whose relationship to sin has been broken by their dying, be still, as before, be living in sin? It is an impossibility!!!! How can those who died to sin continue to live in it?  Eg. Those who died in New York how can they keep walking the streets of New York city?
Not all Christians have yet discovered or walk in the path of Victory over sin. But  whosoever is born of god does not practice sin, because God's seed abides in him, and he is not able to practice sin because he is begotten or born of God. 1 John 3:9 compare 2 Cor. 5:17

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