Sunday 27 March 2016

Salvation: Applied in Sanctification according to Romans 6: 6 Our Death with Christ. Cont.

Rom 6:6  This we know--that our old self was nailed to the cross with Him, in order that our sinful nature might be deprived of its power, so that we should no longer be the slaves of sin;


  1. What does it mean that “Our Old Man”; “Our old self”; was nailed to the Cross with Him?
  2. What is this in our everyday life: Our sinful nature has been deprived of its power or our body of sin might be annulled?
  3. How are we no longer slaves in the service of sin?

Rom 6:6  This we know--that our old self was nailed to the cross with Him

Our old man or our old self: This is our old selves which we inherited from Adam through our parents. What a contrast to the New Man which is what we are in Christ right now. See:

Col 3:9  Do not speak falsehoods to one another, for you have stripped off the old self (man) with its doings,
Col 3:10  and have clothed yourselves with the new self which is being remoulded into full knowledge so as to become like Him who created it. WNT

Cain, the son of Adam, is the picture of the old man. Watchman Nee illustrates this by saying, “Why do I have a round face and short black straight hair? It is because my father has a round face and short black straight hair and His name is Nee too. My grandfather was the same with the name Nee as well. I am just like them. So we are sons of Adam and morally we are after the flesh.”
Watchman Nee

Cain was like his father, Adam; his spirit was dead to God, both soul and body. He was controlled by the sin through his body. So here is mankind controlled by lust and passion, mankind made in the image and likeness of God, now controlled by sin.
The Old Man represents all we are naturally: evil desires, lusts, ambitions, hopes and judgments. This is what we used to be in Adam. But we have “put away as concerning the former manner of living the Old Man.”

Note here
  1. Our old man was crucified with Christ Romans 6:6 above.
  2. Those in Christ have put off the old man. Col 3:9 above.
  3. He still exists, “ because the old waxed corrupt after the lusts of deceit”. Eph 4:22
  4. He is to be put away as belonging to our former manner of life. 2 Cor 5:17  So that if any one is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old state of things has passed away; a new state of things has come into existence.

Our old self was nailed to the Cross with Him - CRUCIFIED.

The old self or sinful flesh is all we inherited from Adam federally. This old nature has been crucified with Christ on the Cross by God.
Those in Christ have seen that federally their sinful nature has been nailed to the cross. Yet of the flesh we read. They willing put themselves under a new head, even Jesus.
Gal 5:24  Against such things as these there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified their lower nature (their flesh) with its passions and appetites (lusts).
Gal 5:25  If we are living by the Spirit's power, let our conduct also be governed by the Spirit's power.

So our flesh has passions and lusts. This mind of the flesh is directly antagonistic and against God. Sin is the manifestation of the flesh or the sinful nature

Rom 6:6  This we know--that our old self was nailed to the cross with Him, in order that our sinful nature might be deprived of its power,
At the cross the past sins have all been pardoned, But the power of sin over our lives has also been broken. our old self was nailed to the cross with Him, in order that our sinful nature might be deprived of its power,

We can live in constant victory over sin in our lives as we believe that what Christ did. It is a matter of seeing our sinful selves nailed to the Cross.

That the sinful nature might be deprived of its power.
Deprived of its power or annulled: Greek katargeo  put out of business.
The body of sin = the sinful nature.  
We still live in our unredeemed bodies but all the rights of sin to controlled us have been stripped. Sin has no rights over us. Live in the knowledge that the sinful nature need no longer dominate you. It was nailed to the Cross with Christ.

The Word “sin” can mean two things: sinful cats we do or have done; and also that sinful nature we inherited from Adam and lives in our fleshly bodies.

We are not just going to get victory over sin when our hearts stop and we die. NO!!! WE HAVE DIED WITH CHRIST NOW.  We have been freed from the domination of the old nature because Christ has deprived it of its power. HalleluYAH  !!!

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