Tuesday 3 November 2015

Introduction to My Summary of Christian Doctrine.

To know the Doctrines of the Bible are essential to our Growth in insight and Knowledge of the Son of God. There are so many so-called Christians who do not even know what the Bible is about and what it teaches. I pray that this basic summary based on Loius Berkhof's Sumary of Christian Doctrine will be a great Blessing and encouragement.



1. True Faith in God.
2. The Revelation or unveiling of the true God.
3. The Scriptures or Holy Writings,

The Doctrine of God and Creation.

4. The Essential Nature of God
5. The Names of God
6. The Attributes of God.
7. The Trinity
8. The Divine Decrees
9. Creation.
10. Divine Providence.

The Doctrines of Man's Relation to God.

11. Man in his Original State.
12. Man in the state of sin.
13. Man in the Covenant of Grace

The Doctrine of the Person and the Work of God.

14. The Names and Nature of Christ.
15. The States of Christ
16. The Offices of Christ
17. The Atonement through Christ

(to be continued)

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