Sunday 8 November 2015

My Summary of Christian Doctrine. 3. Scripture.


skrip´t̬ū́r (ἡ γραφή, hē graphḗ, plural αἱ γραφαί, hai graphaı́): The word means “writing.” In the Old Testament it occurs in the King James Version only once, “the scripture of truth,” in Dan_10:21, where it is more correctly rendered in the Revised Version (British and American), “the writing of truth.” The reference is not to Holy Scripture, but to the book in which are inscribed God's purposes.
In the New Testament, “scripture” and “scriptures” stand regularly for the Old Testament sacred books regarded as “inspired” (2Ti_3:16), “the oracles of God” (Rom_3:2). Compare on this usage Mat_21:42; Mat_22:29; Mar_12:10; Luk_4:21; Luk_24:27, Luk_24:32, Luk_24:45; Joh_5:39; Joh_10:35; Act_8:32; Act_17:2, Act_17:11; Rom_15:4; Rom_16:26, etc.; in Rom_1:2, “holy scriptures.” See BIBLE. The expression “holy scriptures” in 2Ti_3:15 the King James Version represents different words (hierá grámmata) and is properly rendered in the Revised Version (British and American) sacred writings. In 2Pe_3:16, the term “scriptures” is extended to the Epistle of Paul. In Jam_4:5, the words occur: “Think ye that the scripture speaketh in vain? Doth the spirit which he made to dwell in us long unto envying?” The passage is probably rather a summary of Scripture teaching than intended as a direct quotation.ISBE.
  1. Scripture and Revelation

‘Special Revelation’ means in one sense, God’s direct Self-communications in the form of direct verbal messages and in miraculous facts of history.
The Prophets and Apostles often received messages from God long before they committed them to writing. They are now in the Scriptures.
The Term Scriptures may denotes the Bible as a whole. It means as a whole the complex of redemptive truths and facts, with a proper historical setting, that is found in Scripture and has the divine guarantee of its truth in the fact that it is inspired by the Holy Spirit.

The whole Bible and the Bible only, is for us the Special Revelation of God. It is because of the Bible that God's Special Revelation lives on, and brings with it, Light Life and Holiness. L.Berkhof p. 18.

2. Scriptural Proof for the Inspiration of Scripture.

2Ti 3:16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: KJV
2Ti 3:16  Every Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for convincing, for correction of error, and for instruction in right doing; WNT
2Ti 3:17  so that the man of God may himself be complete and may be perfectly equipped for every good work. WNT

Every Scripture is inspired by God…. is God Breathed….

Inspired by God

That extraordinary or supernatural divine influence vouchsafed to those who wrote the Holy Scriptures, rendering their writings infallible. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” (R.V., “Every scripture inspired of God”), 2Ti_3:16.
This is true of all the “sacred writings,” not in the sense of their being works of genius or of supernatural insight, but as “theopneustic,” i.e., “breathed into by God” in such a sense that the writers were supernaturally guided to express exactly what God intended them to express as a revelation of his mind and will. The testimony of the sacred writers themselves abundantly demonstrates this truth; and if they are infallible as teachers of doctrine, then the doctrine of plenary inspiration must be accepted. There are no errors in the Bible as it came from God none have been proved to exist. Eaton’s Bible Dictionary
Because the whole of the Bible is given by Inspiration of God, it is the infallible rule of faith and Practice for all mankind. L.B. p.18
Israeli Scribe at the temple Institue Jerusalem
Photo by Ken herschell

Since this doctrine is based on Scripture, it is not the invention of some man. It is found in a great number of Verses in the Bible. Here are a few for your consideration.
  1. The OT writers were repeatedly instructed to write what the Lord commanded them. Moses :Exo 17:14  And Jehovah said to Moses, Write this, a memorial in a book, and set it in the ears of Joshua, that I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heavens. cp. 34:27; Numbers 33:2 Is 8:1; Jermiah 25:13
  2. The Prophets were conscious of bringing the Word of the LORD. They introduced their messages with something such as “Thus saith the Lord”; or “The Word of the LORD came to me”. Jerm 26:27, 32
  3. Paul talk of his words as being Spirit -taught words. 1 Cor. 2:13

3. The Nature of Inspiration.

There are especially two Wrong views of Inspiration which are extreme views which should be avoided.
  1. Mechanical Inspiration. I was in Abidjan Airport with time on my hands. There were three young Muslim men there and we were discussing the Q’uran and the Bible. They said the Q’uran was correct because it wa an exact copy of the Book in heaven. It was given to their prophet just like a machine without any human influence. I asked them,”Then why is the first part peaceful while M.was in Mecca trying to win converts and the last part violent which abrogated the first part as he now became a warrior killing all opposition and disbelievers, They all got up and left because it is true that he influenced greatly what was written. Mechanical Inspiration is a fallacy. God did not just dictate what the authors of the Bible Had to write as if they were purely passive like a pen in the hand of a writer.
    Theology for Dummies – Biblical Inspiration – Dictation Theory | All Things Rabyd
  2. No they were real authors who sometimes gathered their materials from sources at their command. 1Ki 11:41  And the rest of the acts of Solomon, and all that he did, and his wisdom, are they not written in the Book of the Acts of Solomon?1Ki 14:29  And the rest of the acts of Rehoboam, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Matters of the Days of the Kings of Judah?
  3. Dynamic Inspiration.
    1. Others thought that the process of inspiration affected only the writers themselves, and had no direct bearing in their writings. Their mental and spiritual life were strengthened and raised to a higher pitch.This enabled them to see more clearly and they had a more profound sense of their real spiritual value. This became their permanent character. This is not Biblical Inspiration because it is the writings, all Scripture is God Breathed not just the Writers.
    2. Organic Inspiration :The Proper concept of Inspiration is that the Holy Spirit so acted on the writers of the Bible as whole persons, in harmony with the laws of their own inner beings, using the just as they were.The Holy Spirit used their character and temperament, their gifts and talents.their education and culture, their own vocabulary and style.
    The Holy Spirit illuminated their minds aided their memory, prompted them what to write, repressed the influence of sin on their writings, and guided them in the expression of their thoughts, even to the very choice of words used.
    In no small measure He left free scope to their own activity. They would write the results of their own research, write of their own experiences, and put the imprint of their own style and language on their books.

    4. The Extent of the Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures.

    There are many differences of opinion also respecting the extent of inspiration of the Scriptures.

    1. Partial Inspiration.

    Under the influence of rationalism it has become quite common to deny the inspiration of the Bible altogether, or to hold that only parts of the Bible are inspired.Some deny the Inspiration of the OT while admitting the New. Others say the the religious and moral teachings are inspired but that its Historical, chronological, archaeological and scientific parts contain mistakes. Some just say that Inspiration is limited to the Sermon on the Mount. Those who hold to such views have already lost their Bibles as they cannot tell which part was or was not inspired. Another limiting assumption is that the thoughts were inspired but that the words were not. This is false because thoughts cannot be divorced from words. Accurate thoughts without words is impossible.

    b. Plenary Inspiration.

    Plenary is an adjective related to the noun plenum carrying a general connotation of fullness. According to the Bible every part of Scripture is inspired.   Jesus and the Apostles frequently appeal to the Old Testament books as “Scripture” or “the Scriptures”     to settle a point of controversy. Many times they did this even to the Historical Books.                                                                                                              The Book of Hebrews repeatedly cites passages from the Old Testament as the words of God or of the Holy Spirit.

    Heb 1:5  For to which of the angels did God ever say, "MY SON ART THOU: I HAVE THIS DAY BECOME THY FATHER;" and again, "I WILL BE A FATHER TO HIM, AND HE SHALL BE MY SON"?
    Heb 1:6  But speaking of the time when He once more brings His Firstborn into the world, He says, "AND LET ALL GOD'S ANGELS WORSHIP HIM." WNT

    Heb 3:7  For this reason--as the Holy Spirit warns us, "TO-DAY, IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE,

    Heb 4:3  We who have believed are soon to be admitted to the true rest; as He has said, "AS I SWORE IN MY ANGER, THEY SHALL NOT BE ADMITTED TO MY REST," although God's works had been going on ever since the creation of the world.

    Heb 5:6  as also in another passage He says, "THOU ART A PRIEST FOR EVER, BELONGING TO THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK."

    Heb 7:21  for these men hold office without any oath having been taken, but He holds it attested by an oath from Him who said to Him, "THE LORD HAS SWORN AND WILL NOT RECALL HIS WORDS, THOU ART A PRIEST FOR EVER" --

    Peter places the letters of Paul on a level with the Writings of the Old Testament.
    2Pe 3:16  That is what he [Paul] says in all his letters, when speaking in them of these things. In those letters there are some statements hard to understand, which ill-taught and unprincipled people pervert, just as they do the rest of the Scriptures, to their own ruin.

    c. Verbal Inspiration

    The Inspiration of the Bible extends to the very words employed in the Originals.
    The Bible is verbally inspired. Sometimes God told Moses and joshua exactly what to write. Leviticus 3 and 44; 66:1; Joshua 1:1; 4:1; 6:2
    Jeremiah 1:9   And Jehovah put forth His hand, and touched my mouth. And Jehovah said to me, Behold, I have put My Words in your mouth.
    God directed Ezekiel to speak His Words to the people in Exile. Ez 3:4, 10-11.
    Cp Paul 1 Cor 2 :13; Jesus in Matthew 22:43-45 John 10:35; and Paul in Gal 3:16

    5. The Perfections of the Holy Scriptures

    The Reformers such Luther, Calvin and Zwingli, developed the Doctrine of Scripture over against what the Roman Catholics believed and even some Protestant sects. While Rome taught that the Bible owes its authority to the Church, the Reformers maintained that it has authority in itself as the Inspired Word of God. The Reformers also upheld the necessity of the Scripture as the divinely appointed means of Grace over against the Roman Catholics, who  asserted that the Church had no absolute need of it, and some Protestant sects, who exalted the “inner light” or the word of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the People of God, at the expense of Scripture.
    In Opposition to Rome they further defended the clearness of the Bible.They did not deny that it did contain mysteries too deep for human understanding, but simply contended that the knowledge necessary for Salvation though not equally clear on every page of the Bible, is yet conveyed in a simple manner that  anyone really seeking Salvation can easily find it and does not need to depend on the interpretation of the church or some priest. The Scriptures were sufficient and did not need the traditions of the Roman Catholic church.

    Scriptures to memorize:

    1. The Inspiration of the Scriptures.

    1Co 2:13  These things we also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

    1Th 2:13  And for this cause we thank God without ceasing, that when you received the Word of hearing, of God, you welcomed it as the Word of God, not as a word of men, but as it is, truly the Word of God, which also effectually works in you who believe.

    2Ti 3:16  All Scripture is God-breathed, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
    2Ti 3:17  that the man of God may be perfected, thoroughly furnished to every good work.

      b. The Authority of the Bible.

    Isa 8:20  To the Law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because no light is in them.

      c. The Necessity of the Bible

    2Ti 3:14  But continue in the things that you have learned and have been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them,
    2Ti 3:15  and that from a babe you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

    For Further Study
    1. Do the traditions of men have authority? Matthew 5:21-48; 15:3-6; Mark 7:7; Colossians 2:8; Titus 1:14; 2 Peter 1:18
    2. Did the prophets themselves fully understand what they wrote? Daniel 8:15; 12:8; Zechariah 1:7 - 6:11; 1 Peter 1:11
    3. Does 2 Timothy 3:16 teach us anything respecting the Practical value of the Inspiration of Scripture? If so, What? Notes from Louis Berkhof Pps 18 - 23

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