This was the Final Completion of His Exaltation. It also has its own independent significance.
Luk 24:50 And He brought them out to within view of Bethany, and then lifted up His hands and blessed them.
Luk 24:51 And while He was blessing them, He parted from them and was carried up into Heaven.
Luk 24:52 They worshipped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.
Luk 24:53 Afterwards they were continually in attendance at the Temple, blessing God.
also Acts 1:6 - 11
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Jesus Christ's Ascension into Heaven. <> |
Paul refers to it in:Eph 1:18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened so that you may know what is the hope which His call to you inspires, what the wealth of the glory of His inheritance in God's people,
Eph 1:19 and what the transcendent greatness of His power in us believers as seen in the working of His infinite might
Eph 1:20 when He displayed it in Christ by raising Him from the dead and seating Him at His own right hand in the heavenly realms,
Eph 1:21 high above all other government and authority and power and dominion, and every title of sovereignty used either in this Age or in the Age WNT
Eph 4:9 (Now this "re-ascended" --what does it mean but that He had first descended into the lower regions of the earth?
Eph 4:10 He who descended is the same as He who ascended again far above all the Heavens in order to fill the universe.)
Heb 1:3 He brightly reflects God's glory and is the exact representation of His being, and upholds the universe by His all-powerful word. After securing man's purification from sin He took His seat at the right hand of the Majesty on high,
Heb 4:14 Inasmuch, then, as we have in Jesus, the Son of God, a great High Priest who has passed into Heaven itself, let us hold firmly to our profession of faith.
It was the visible ascent of our Mediator, according to His human nature, from earth to heaven. It involved a further glorification of the Human Nature of Christ
The Savior who made us relevant to His mission (Acts 1:6-11) <> |
In the Ascension Christ as our High Priest enters the inner sanctuary to begin His mediatorial work as intercessor on the throne.
Rom 8:34 Who is there to condemn them? Christ Jesus died, or rather has risen to life again. He is also at the right hand of God, and is interceding for us.
Heb 4:14 Inasmuch, then, as we have in Jesus, the Son of God, a great High Priest who has passed into Heaven itself, let us hold firmly to our profession of faith.
He ascended to prepare a place for us.
Joh 14:1 "Let not your hearts be troubled. Trust in God: trust in me also.
Joh 14:2 In my Father's house there are many resting-places. Were it otherwise, I would have told you; for I am going to make ready a place for you.
Joh 14:3 And if I go and make ready a place for you, I will return and take you to be with me, that where I am you also may be.
With Him we are already seated in heavenly places and in His ascension we have the assurance of our place in heaven.
Eph 2:5 caused us, dead though we were through our offences, to live with Christ--it is by grace that you have been saved--
Eph 2:6 raised us with Him from the dead, and enthroned us with Him in the heavenly realms as being in Christ Jesus,
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Jesus Christ shall Reign eternally |
Joh 17:24 "Father, those whom Thou hast given me--I desire that where I am they also may be with me, that they may see the glory--my glory--my gift from Thee, which Thou hast given me because Thou didst love me before the creation of the world.
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