Saturday 12 December 2015

The Doctrine of God and Creation : Divine Providence.(2).

c. Divine Government.

This is the Continued action of God whereby He Rules all things so that they answer to the purpose of their existence.
In both OT and NT the LORD is represented as the King of the Universe. He adapts His Rule to the nature of the Creatures that he governs; the Government of the Physical World is different to the the Government of the Spiritual World. His Rule is UNIVERSAL.

Psa 103:19  Jehovah has prepared His throne in the heavens; and His kingdom rules over all.
Dan 4:34  And at the end of days, I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up my eyes to Heaven, and my understanding returned to me, and I blessed the Most High, and I praised and honoured Him who lives forever, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His rule is from generation to generation.
Dan 4:35  And all the people of the earth are counted as nothing; and He does according to His will in the army of heaven, and among the people of the earth. And none can strike His hand, or say to Him, What are You doing?

He rules over the most insignificant things
Mat 10:29  Do not two sparrows sell for a halfpenny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's leave.
Mat 10:30  But as for you, the very hairs on your heads are all numbered.
Mat 10:31  Away then with fear; you are more precious than a multitude of sparrows.

He rules over the seeming accidental.
Pro 16:33  The dice are thrown, but the LORD determines every outcome. G.W.

This bears on the both the good and evil deeds of man.
Php 2:13  It is God who produces in you the desires and actions that please him.
Gen 50:20  Even though you planned evil against me (Joseph), God planned good to come out of it. This was to keep many people alive, as he is doing now.

Act 14:16  In times gone by He allowed all the nations to go their own ways;

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