Tuesday 29 December 2015

The Person of Our Lord Jesus Christ: c) The authority of Christ.

Isa 9:6  For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be on His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Listen to <https://youtu.be/wX2IgeAaD8Y>

Wonderful Counsellor
JFB’s Commenatry : His essential characteristics shall be.
Wonderful — (See on Isa_8:18; Jdg_13:18, Margin; 1Ti_3:16).
Counsellor — (Psa_16:7; Rom_11:33, Rom_11:34; 1Co_1:24; Col_2:3).
mighty God — (Isa_10:21; Psa_24:8; Tit_2:13) Horsley translates: “God the mighty man.” “Unto us ... God” is equivalent to “Immanuel” (Isa_7:14).
everlasting Father — This marks Him as “Wonderful,” that He is “a child,” yet the “everlasting Father” (Joh_10:30; Joh_14:9). Earthly kings leave their people after a short reign; He will reign over and bless them for ever [Hengstenberg].
Prince of Peace — (See on Isa_9:5; Gen_49:10; Shiloh, “The Tranquillizer”). Finally (Hos_2:18). Even already He is “our peace” (Luk_2:14; Eph_2:14).

The government shall be upon his shoulder - That is, the ensign of government; the scepter, the sword, the key, or the like, which was borne upon or hung from the shoulder. See note on Isa_22:22.
And his name shall be called - אל גבור  El gibbor, the prevailing or conquering God.
The everlasting Father “The Father of the everlasting age” - Or אבי עד  Abi ad, the Father of eternity.
The Septuagint have μεγαλης βουλης Αγγελος, “the Messenger of the Great Counsel.” But instead of אבי אד  Abi ad, a MS. of De Rossi has אבעזר  Abezer, the helping Father; evidently the corruption of some Jew, who did not like such an evidence in favor of the Christian Messiah.
Prince of Peace - שר שלום  sar shalom, the Prince of prosperity, the Giver of all blessings.

Questions for Research and Review.

  1. What Bible Proof is there of the Deity and Humanity of Christ?
  2. What is the nature of the person of Christ?divine, human; or divine - human
  3. How can the Unity of the person of Christ be proved from Scripture?
  4. What are the main Errors concerning the Person of Christ?

The Deity of the Son of God. (Cont)
c. His Authority.
In Christ’s Teaching one notes a complete absence of such expressions as “It is my Opinion”; “It may be”; or “I think such and such…” etc.
A rationalistic Jewish scholar once admitted that he spoke with the Authority of, God Almighty Himself.

Dr. Henry Van Dyke points out that, in the Sermon on the Mount, we have:
the absolutely overwhelming sight of a believing Hebrew placing Himself above the rule of His own faith, a humble Teacher asserting supreme authority over all human conduct; a moral reformer discarding all other foundations and saying, “Whoever hears these sayings of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, which built his house upon a rock Matthew 7:24.” Ninety-four times in this brief record of the discourse of Jesus recurs with this solemn phrase with which he authenticates the truth. “Verily (truly, I say to you……” Notes from Myer Pearlman, Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible p.143

Matthew 28:18 Jesus said,” Jesus however came near and said to them, "All power in Heaven and over the earth has been given to me. “
All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth - The “Son of God,” as “Creator,” had an original right to all things, to control them and dispose of them. See Joh_1:3; Col_1:16-17; Heb_1:8. But the universe is put under him more particularly as Mediator, that he might redeem his people; that he might gather a church; that he might defend his chosen; that he might subdue all their enemies, and bring them off conquerors and more than conquerors, Eph_1:20-23; 1Co_15:25-27; Joh_5:22-23; Phi_2:6-11. It is in reference to this, doubtless, that he speaks here power or authority committed to him over all things, that he might redeem, defend, and save the church purchased with his own blood. His mediatorial government extends, therefore, over the material world, over angels, over devils, over wicked men, and over his own people. Barnes Notes

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