Sunday 20 December 2015

The Doctrine of Man in the State of Sin. (3)
The Fact of Sin is Minimized  by :
3.  Hedonism the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence..
synonyms: self-indulgence  pleasure-seeking  self-gratification Google definitions
This is the Theory of Life which maintains that the Highest Good in life is the securing of pleasure, and the avoiding of pain, so that the first question to be asked is not, “Is it right?” but, “Will it bring me pleasure?”
Not every hedonist lives a vicious life, the general tendency of the Hedonist is to wink at sin and sugar-coat it with such designations as: “Oh, this is just a Harmless weakness;” or “these are the vagaries of pleasure;” or this is just the “the rumblings of youth.”

They excuse sin with such outbursts as”To err is Human.” or “ What is natural is beautiful, and what is beautiful is always right.”
This teaching is behind much of the modern teaching of “Self-expression”. In the technical language, man must “release his inhibitions”; or in plain language “yield to temptation because repression is unhealthy”.
This is often used to justify Immorality. But these theorists would not be in favour of a person releasing inhibitions of of anger, murderous hate, envy, drunkenness etc.
Underlying this theory is the desire to minimize the gravity of sin, and blur the line between good and bad, right and wrong. God has made good white and bad black, but some would blend the colour into neutral gray.
The Bible says,Woe unto them that call evil good; and good, evil.” Don’t attempt to confuse the Moral distinctions.

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