Wednesday 9 December 2015

The Doctrine of God and Creation : The Material World.
Genesis 1 :1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.


Here in Gen.1:1 we have the record of God’s Work of Creation and the following verses tell how this was completed in six days. There has been many efforts to try to insert into this process, evolutionary concepts, but the Bible stands alone and the changing whims and theories of Science cannot be mixed with the Biblical Account. The Bible is authoritative, Inspired and Inerrant in the original manuscripts and languages. If you want to take science as your authority then you are on the shaky ground of Human Opinion and changing thoughts and theories. No man was there when the Universe began so there could be no observation of this whole Process.
  1. The Days of Creation.

The question is frequently debated, whether the Days of Creation were ordinary days or not. Geologists and Evolutionists speak of them as long periods of time.
Now the word day does not always denote a period of twenty-four hours in Scripture

Cf.Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth — the history or account of their production. Whence did Moses obtain this account so different from the puerile and absurd fictions of the heathen? Not from any human source, for man was not in existence to witness it; not from the light of nature or reason, for though they proclaim the eternal power and Godhead by the things which are made, they cannot tell how they were made. None but the Creator Himself could give this information, and therefore it is through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God (Heb_11:3).JFB

Look also at Ps 50:15; and Zech 4:10

Note these considerations in the interpretation of the word “day" in the narrative of Creation.
  1. The Hebrew word for day (yom) primarily denotes an ordinary day of twenty - four hours unless the context demands another interpretation.
  2. The repeated mention of ‘morning and evening’ favours this interpretation.
  3. It was evidently an ordinary day which Jehovah set aside and hallowed as a day of rest.
  4. In Exodus 20 :9-11 Israel is commanded to labour for six days and to rest on the seventh, because Jehovah made the heaven and the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. Louis Berkhof p. 55
  5. When there is a numeral before days then it is always necessary to interprete day as a twenty-four hour period in the Hebrew.
  6. If the last three days were evidently ordinary days relative to the sun then the previous three must have been also.

Watch the Youtube of Creation Ministries <> The key to understanding the age of the earth.

Also go to

To be continued

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