Monday 14 December 2015

The Doctrine of Man in Relation to God.

His Original State.
  1. The Essential Elements of Human Nature.

  1. The Human Tri-unity.

According to Genesis 2: man is composed of two substances - the material - called the body, and the immaterial called the soul. The Soul gives life to the body and when the soul is withdrawn the Body dies. Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible; (Myer Pearlman GPH Springfield Mo.USA 1937)
Myer Pearlman was a prolific writer during the Great Depression

Gen 2:7  And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

God formed man of the dust - In the most distinct manner God shows us that man is a compound being, having a body and soul distinctly, and separately created; the body out of the dust of the earth, the soul immediately breathed from God himself. Does not this strongly mark that the soul and body are not the same thing? The body derives its origin from the earth, or as עפר  aphar implies, the dust; hence because it is earthly it is decomposable and perishable. 
Of the soul it is said, God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; נשמת חיים  nishmath chaiyim, the breath of Lives, i.e., animal, intellectual(and Spiritual. While this breath of God expanded the lungs and set them in play, the inspiration of His Breathe gave both spirit and understanding. Adam Clark.

But according to 1 thess 5:23 and Heb 4:12 man is composed of three substances - spirit, soul and body. Many contend for a Tri-partite view as against the Bi-partite doctrine of many theologians. Both Views are correct when properly understood.

1Th 5:23  And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blamelessly at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

JFBs Commentary : “All three, spirit, soul, and body, each in its due place, constitute man “entire.” The “spirit” links man with the higher intelligences of heaven, and is that highest part of man which is receptive of the quickening Holy Spirit (1Co_15:47). In the unspiritual, the spirit is so sunk under the lower animal soul (which it ought to keep under) that such are termed “animal” (English Version. “sensual,” having merely the body of organized matter, and the soul the immaterial animating essence), having not the Spirit (compare 1Co_2:14; see on 1Co_15:44; see on 1Co_15:46-48; Joh_3:6). The unbeliever shall rise with an animal (soul-animated) body, but not like the believer with a spiritual (spirit-endued) body like Christ’s (Rom_8:11).”

Heb 4:12  For God's Message is full of life and power, and is keener than the sharpest two-edged sword. It pierces even to the severance of soul from spirit, and penetrates between the joints and the marrow, and it can discern the secret thoughts and purposes of the heart.

JFBs commentary “even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit — that is, reaching through even to the separation of the animal soul, the lower part of man’s incorporeal nature, the seat of animal desires, which he has in common with the brutes; compare the same Greek,
1Co_2:14, “the natural [animal-souled] man”Note.  (Jud_1:19), from the spirit (the higher part of man, receptive of the Spirit of God, and allying him to heavenly beings).”

French l’homme animal G5591 ψυχικός psuchikos adj. Thayer Definition:
1) of or belonging to breath 1a) having the nature and characteristics of the breath
1a1) the principal of animal life, which men have in common with the brute beasts
1b) governed by breath 1b1) the sensuous nature with its subjection to appetite and passion

The Spirit and the Soul represent two sides of man's non- physical substance; or to put it another way, spirit and soul represent two ways in which the spiritual nature operates. Though separate, the spirit and the soul are not  separable. They permeate and interpenetrate each other. They are often used interchangeably
Ecc 12:7  Then the dust of mortals goes back to the ground as it was before, and the breath of life (the spirit) goes back to God who gave it. GW.
Rev 6:9  When the lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slaughtered because of God's word and the testimony they had given about him.

The souls of them that were slain - That had been put to death by persecution. This is one of the incidental proofs in the Bible that the soul does not cease to exist at death, and also that it does not cease to be conscious, or does not sleep until the resurrection. These souls of the martyrs are represented as still in existence; as remembering what had occurred on the earth; as interested in what was now taking place; as engaged in prayer; and as manifesting earnest desires for the divine interposition to avenge the wrongs which they had suffered. Barnes

The terms “soul” and “spirit” have very distinct meanings.
For example , the term “soul” is man viewed in relation to this present life. Deceased persons are described as “souls” when the writer is referring back to their previous life. Rev :9,10; 20:4 “Act 23:9  The shouting became very loud. Some of the scribes were Pharisees who argued their position forcefully. They said, "We don't find anything wrong with this man. Maybe a spirit or an angel actually spoke to him!"Spirit” is the common description for those who have passed on into the other life. M.P. p.102
Heb 12:23  and to the assembly of God's firstborn children (whose names are written in heaven). You have come to a judge (the God of all people) and to the spirits of people who have God's approval and have gained eternal life.
Luk 23:46  Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit." After he said this, he died.
Because man is “spirit” he is capable of God-consciousness, and of communion with God; because he is “soul” he has self-consciousness; because he is “body”, he has, through his senses, consciousness of the world around him. Scofield's Bible.

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